Tourist Places to Visit in Alsigarh

Tourist Places to Visit in Alsigarh, Information about places to visit in Alsigarh located near Udaipur, which is called the Kashmir of Rajasthan.

Tourist Places to Visit in Alsigarh

Surrounded by the Aravalli hills near Udaipur, Alsigarh hills are full of natural beauty and have places to visit like fort, lake, dam, waterfalls and film city.

The Alsigarh fort is built in square shape on a high hill, surrounded by a rampart. Strong towers are built on all four sides of the rampart. There is a large empty space in the middle of this rampart.

There were some rooms inside the fort which are now completely destroyed. During the princely era, this fort used to be a police station of the Mewar princely state in which the soldiers of Mewar lived.

These soldiers used to keep an eye on the enemies coming from outside Mewar as well as maintain law and order in the surrounding areas.

One of the main attractions of Alsigarh is the lake present here which is known as Alsigarh Lake. This lake is quite long and wide.

The beauty of this lake can be seen from a distance when viewed from the top of the nearby hill. This lake looks very attractive amidst the lush green mountains.

A dam has been built on one side to stop the water of the lake, which is called Alsigarh Dam. When this lake is completely filled and overflows in the rain, then the water from this dam flows into Mansi Wakal Lake.

There are two main waterfalls in the Alsigarh area, one of which is very famous due to its proximity to the hills of Rayta. Tourists coming to Rayta visit this waterfall in large numbers.

It is not officially known by what name this waterfall is known, but at many places on the Internet it is called Lavitra Waterfall.

The second waterfall of Alsigarh is on the road going towards Gorana ahead of Alsigarh Lake. To reach this waterfall, one has to go down into the valley ahead of the lake. The waterfall comes after walking a little on the right side below.

In the year 2020, there was some news according to which a film city was being built in Alsigarh, in which a studio of Film City, Kalakshetra, was ready in an area of ​​​​100 bighas.


Ramesh Sharma {M Pharm, MSc (Computer Science), PGDCA, MA (History), CHMS}


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