Where is original Khatu Shyam Mandir demolished by Aurangzeb?

Where is original Khatu Shyam Mandir demolished by Aurangzeb? It is about original Shyam Mandir which was demolished by Mughal Badshah Aurangzeb.

Where is original Khatu Shyam Mandir demolished by Aurangzeb

Do you know that the Mughal Badshah Aurangzeb got the original Temple of Shyam Baba in Khatu demolished and made a mosque in its place?

Also, do you know that the current temple of Baba Shyam, to which you go now to seek blessings from Shyam Baba, was built after the death of Aurangzeb?

Today we are going to provide you with very important information about the Khatu Shyam Temple, about which very few people know.

When Barbareek donated his head to Lord Krishna, Lord Krishna placed his head on a hill near the battlefield so that he could watch the Mahabharata war till the end.

Thousands of years later, this head of Barbareek came floating with the river and got buried under a mound in Khatu. The place where this head was first appeared is called the Shyam Kund.

Later, the Chauhan king of this place got this head installed in a temple at a little distance from the present Shyam Kund.

You might think that this is the same temple in which the Chauhan king had installed it, but it is not so.

If we talk about the authentic history of Khatu Shyam Temple, then in Pandit Jhabarmal Sharma's book Khatu Shyamji ka Itihaas, on page number 40 and 49, it is mentioned that the king got the idol removed from Shyam Kund and installed it in an ancient temple in the market.

At that time, there was a Shiva temple in the circumambulation of this temple, which is still present today.

During the Mughal era, the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb got the ancient Shyam Baba Temple demolished and built a mosque in its place. Even today, you can see the ancient Shiv Temple near the mosque built in place of Baba Shyam's Temple.

After the death of Aurangzeb, in 1720 AD, the ruler of Jodhpur, Abhay Singh, started the new temple of Shyam Baba, and after the construction of the temple was completed, the head of Baba Shyam was installed in that temple.

Today the temple we go to see Shyam Baba in Khatu is not the original temple of Shyam Baba but the second temple built by the ruler of Jodhpur, Abhay Singh.

Today, most of the people do not know about the original temple of Shyam Baba in Khatu. We hoped that with this information, all Shyam devotees would have learned useful things about the history of Shyam Temple.


Ramesh Sharma {M Pharm, MSc (Computer Science), PGDCA, MA (History), CHMS}


The information given in this article has been taken from various online and offline sources, whose accuracy and reliability is not guaranteed. Readers should take this information for educational purpose only. Apart from this, the responsibility for any use of it will be on the user himself.
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