Why is Ganeshwar Civilization famous?

Why is Ganeshwar Civilization famous? It contains information about the mother of Copper Age civilizations and the Pushkar civilization of archaeology.

Why is Ganeshwar Civilization famous

Rajasthan is also a very rich state archaeologically. Many civilizations including Kalibanga, Ahar, Bairath and Ganeshwar were born here. Ganeshwar civilization has special importance among all these civilizations.

Ganeswar civilization was discovered near Neemkathana in 1972 AD by Ratan Chandra Agarwal and later it was excavated under his supervision in 1977.

About one thousand copper tools have been found in the excavation here, among which tools, jewelry and utensils are prominent. Fishing hooks, axes made of copper, arrows, spears, swords and needles are prominent among these tools.

Excavation work revealed that an advanced civilization existed here 2800 years before Christ. This civilization was located at the mouth of the Kantali river which flowed all year round at that time.

This civilization is known as the mother of Copper Age civilizations because the copper obtained from here is the oldest. This civilization was even older than Harappa. The supply of copper to Harappan cities was mainly from here.

This civilization is also believed to be related to Sunari in Jhunjhunu district. A copper smelting furnace has been found in Sunari due to which it is called the sub-centre of Ganeshwar. Ganeshwar is also called the Pushkar of archaeology.

Earthen pots have also been found here which are called Kathi Mridpatra or Kapish Varni Mridpatra. These pots are red in colour on which black and blue colour embroidery is present.

Ganeshwar is the only place where evidence of stone dams has been found. Evidence of dams indicates a large amount of water at this place.


Ramesh Sharma {M Pharm, MSc (Computer Science), PGDCA, MA (History), CHMS}


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रमेश शर्मा

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