Why is Gogunda Palace famous?

Why is Gogunda Palace famous? It is about Gogunda Mahal with its historical background from Rathore dynasty of Idar to Jhala dynasty of Gogunda.

Why is Gogunda Palace famous

Gogunda Palace is also known as Idariya Palace because the construction of this palace was started by the Rathore dynasty of Idar in the thirteenth century.

The rulers of Idar used this palace as their last outpost in the north to control their trade activities.

In the 14th century, Maharana Hammir Singh Sisodia of Chittor conquered the kingdom up to Idar and his son Maharana Kheta also retained his hold on Idar.

Maharana Kheta also captured Gogunda in view of the trade importance of Gogunda. Thus, the kingdom from Gogunda to Idar came under the control of Maharana Kheta.

When Akbar attacked Chittor in 1567-68, Maharana Udai Singh left Chittor and made Gogunda his capital and lived in this palace.

Maharana Udai Singh built the north-western part of this palace, which was later made the residence of the Jhala Rajranas.

After Maharana Udai Singh, Maharana Pratap ascended the throne in this palace and was able to live in this palace for about four years.

Inside the Gogunda palace, there are three tombs of Peer Bavji and one of Rada Ji, which now exist only symbolically in the form of windows.

The Mughal Mewar Treaty was signed on 5 February 1615 at a place called Amarpasi in the Gogunda palace itself, in which Jahangir's son Shahzada Khurram was present in the palace from the Mughal side.

Now the Gogunda palace has taken the form of a heritage hotel, due to which many changes have taken place in it. It is not possible for a common tourist to see it.


Ramesh Sharma {M Pharm, MSc (Computer Science), PGDCA, MA (History), CHMS}


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