Why is Kala Darwaza famous?

Why is Kala Darwaza famous? It is about historical Kala Darwaja of Khandela where 300 Rajput warriors sacrificed their lives to protect temples.

Why is Kala Darwaza famous?

There is a gate in front of Bada Pana Garh in Khandela which is known as Kala Darwaza. About three and a half hundred years ago, a terrible incident happened near this gate due to which this door has a lot of historical importance.

So now we tell you about the incident that happened near this door due to which this door got the name of Kaala Darwaza in the pages of history.

It is said that in the seventeenth century when Aurangzeb had started a campaign to demolish Hindu religious places i.e. temples, then he sent his commander Senapati Darab Khan to Shekhawati area for this work.

Daraab Khan attacked the temples of Khandela, to stop which about 300 Rajput warriors came forward along with King Bahadur Singh of Khandela and King Sujan Singh of Chhapoli.

In the month of Chaitra, Vikram Samvat 1736 i.e. 1679 AD, a terrible war took place near this gate of Bada Pana Garh in which all the Rajput warriors were martyred. After this incident, this door came to be known as Kala Darwaza.

The soil around this door is mixed with the blood of all those heroes who sacrificed their lives to save their religious places from being destroyed.

Whenever you go to Khandela, you must visit this door because even today this door will be seen telling the story of those heroes.


Ramesh Sharma {M Pharm, MSc (Computer Science), PGDCA, MA (History), CHMS}


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