Why is Khandela Dham famous?

Why is Khandela Dham famous? It is about Khandela Dham which a holy teerth for the people of Khandelwal Vaishya community who originated from Khandela.

Why is Khandela Dham famous?

Khandela town of Sikar district is a historical and religious place as well as the origin place of Khandelwal Vaishya community. Today Khandelwal Vaishya community is spread all over India.

As soon as you enter this Dham, there is a magnificent temple of Ganeshji in front. This temple was built in 2004. Inside the temple, the glass carving is quite attractive along with the grand statue of Ganeshji.

Near it is a huge statue of Kailashpati Balaji weighing 25 tons made from a single rock. Seeing this statue, it seems as if Balaji Maharaj is present here in person.

Near the statue of Balaji, there is a grand temple of him, on top of which a very big mace is kept. This temple of Balaji has been built many years after the Ganesh temple.

Further, at the two ends of a beautiful garden, there are temples of all the 37 Kul Devis of 72 Gotras of Khandelwal Vaishya. Grand statues of the family deities are installed in all the temples, which are worshipped and aarti is performed at both the times.

On one side of the garden, there is a statue of Khandelwal Vaishya Kulbhushan, religious and social reformer Sant Sundardasji. In the field of knowledge and literature, Dadu Panthi used to call him the second Shankaracharya. In Nirgun knowledge, he is compared to Surdas and Tulsidas.


Ramesh Sharma {M Pharm, MSc (Computer Science), PGDCA, MA (History), CHMS}


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