Why is Rampuria Haveli famous?

Why is Rampuria Haveli famous? It is about world famous Haveli of Bikaner that is known as Rampuria Haveli which was given by Maharaja Ganga Singh.

Why is Rampuria Haveli famous

Today we are going to tell you about Rampuria Haveli built by Rampuria family which is a group of nine havelis.

This haveli is so grand that it leaves behind not only Indian but also foreign havelis in its splendor and architecture.

While roaming in the narrow lanes between these havelis, you will not feel that you are roaming in any city of India. These narrow lanes make the people roaming in them feel like roaming in any city of Europe.

One of these havelis is called Titanic Haveli because the front part of this haveli looks like the Titanic ship.

The most special thing about Rampuria Haveli is that the color of its walls starts changing with the rays of the sun. The color of the haveli appears changed in the morning, afternoon and evening.

It is said about this haveli built in the middle of Bikaner city that Maharaj Ganga Singh of Bikaner gave it to the Rampuria family in lieu of paying off the debt.

Actually, Maharaja Ganga Singh had taken this loan from Bikaner's wealthy businessman Bhanwar Lal Rampuria to build a canal.

Today this Haveli is a famous tourist destination of Bikaner where a large number of domestic and foreign tourists gather for photography.


Ramesh Sharma {M Pharm, MSc (Computer Science), PGDCA, MA (History), CHMS}


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रमेश शर्मा

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