Why is Ringas Bheruji Mandir famous?

Why is Ringas Bheruji Mandir famous? It is about miraculous temple of Bhairav temple located near Reengus town and known as Reengus Ke Bhairuji.

Why is Ringas Bheruji Mandir famous?

The temple of Bhairu Ji in Ringas is quite famous for its miracles. This temple is also associated with Sati Mata and Bhairav ​​Singh Shekhawat.

The former Chief Minister of Rajasthan and Vice President of India, Late Bhairon Singh Shekhawat was also born by the grace of Bhairav ​​Baba, due to which he was named Bhairav ​​Singh.

Late Girdhari Lal Bhargava, who was a Lok Sabha MP from Jaipur many times, used to listen to the results of his elections by sitting in front of Bhairav ​​Baba.

This temple, which is considered to be the form of Kaal Bhairav, is built in the middle of a crematorium. Due to being located in a crematorium, he is also known as Masaniya Bhairu.

Till a few years ago, instead of a temple, there was only a platform as the place of Bhairu Ji. Now the temple has been developed and made grand.

Beautiful glass carvings have been done on the inner walls of the temple. Also, there are beautiful pictures of Lord Shiva in various forms at various places.

It is said that whoever comes here with a true heart, all his wishes are definitely fulfilled. People who do not have children, get children after coming here. Also, one gets relief from physical pain and suffering.

There is a pond near the temple. Bathing in this pond gives relief from all skin diseases, and also the woman who does not have children gets children.


Ramesh Sharma {M Pharm, MSc (Computer Science), PGDCA, MA (History), CHMS}


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रमेश शर्मा

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