Why is Tapkeshwar Mahadev famous?

Why is Tapkeshwar Mahadev famous? It is about the cave temple of Tapkeshwar Mahadev on the hill on the banks of the Kansavati river in Neemkathana.

Why is Tapkeshwar Mahadev famous

Being surrounded by the picturesque hills of Aravali in Neem Ka Thana, the natural beauty of this place gives a strange solace to the eyes.

The Kansavati (Krishnavati) river flowing down at the foot of the hill appears as if it is eager to anoint Lord Shiva itself.

A fig tree (Gular Tree) is situated in the flow area of ​​this river. The special thing about this tree is that water keeps flowing from its roots continuously for twelve months. This water is used to quench the thirst of wild animals.

There are two Shivlingas in the cave on the hill, one of which is made of black stone and the other of white stone. Both are always anointed naturally by the water of the hill.

Water keeps dripping on the Shivling from the hill, due to which this place is called Tapkeshwar Mahadev.

The black stone Shivling is a self-manifested Shivling made from the rock of the hill. The second Shivling was installed by Tomar king Achal Singh of this region, due to which it is also known as Achaleshwar Mahadev Temple.

The self-manifested Shivling is believed to be made of ancient times. This place is also mentioned in the Shiv Purana. It is said that the Pandavas spent some time of their exile at these three places.

At one time there was a kingdom called Achalgarh here which was ruled by King Achal Singh. The fort of Achalgarh is present in a dilapidated condition on the nearby hill. There are large bamboo trees near this fort.

There are many panthers in this area. Many times, these panthers come and sit in the temple as well. Many times, they have also been seen descending the stairs of the temple. For this reason, no one stays here at night.


Ramesh Sharma {M Pharm, MSc (Computer Science), PGDCA, MA (History), CHMS}


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