Why is Triveni Dham famous?

Why is Triveni Dham famous? It is about a pilgrimage near Shahpura where many great saints like Gangadas Ji, Narayan Das Ji, Bhajan Das Ji, penanced.

Why is Triveni Dham famous?

Triveni Dham, situated at the confluence of three rivers between the Aravali Mountain range near Shahpura on the Jaipur Delhi Highway, is famous as the place of penance of many great saints.

Among the prominent saints here, the names of Ganga Das Ji, Janki Das Ji, Ram Das Ji, Bhajan Das Ji, Bhagwan Das Ji and Narayan Das Ji are prominent.

There is a confluence of three holy water streams at this place, due to which it is known as Triveni. It is also known as Dhara Ji.

The water of Triveni is so holy that all sins are washed away by just touching it. In ancient times, Triveni Dham was a holy pilgrimage for the people of this place like the Sangam of Prayagraj.

Along with the cremation of the dead here, their bones were also immersed in this water. It is said that once during their exile, the Pandavas also came to this place and quenched their thirst with this water.

For this reason, this place is also known as Pandav Dhara or Trishna Veni. Earlier, the stream of Triveni used to flow throughout the year but now this stream is seen only in the rainy season.

There are many religious places in the Triveni Dham complex, among which the prominent ones are Narasimha Temple, Shri Ram Charit Manas Bhawan, Ganga Mata Temple, Hanuman Temple, world famous Yagyashala, Avadhpuri Dham etc.

In Vikram Samvat 1795, Rishiraj Acharya Gangadasji Kathia, disciple of Bharatdasji Kathia, established Triveni Dham and also established Shri Narasimha Swaroop Shaligram Vigraha here.


Ramesh Sharma {M Pharm, MSc (Computer Science), PGDCA, MA (History), CHMS}


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