Why is Badi Lake Udaipur famous?

Why is Badi Lake Udaipur famous? It gives information about the famous Badi Lake of Udaipur built by Maharana Raj Singh and famous for Mahseer fishes.

Why is Badi Lake Udaipur famous

The Badi Lake built in the middle of the mountains near Udaipur is very beautiful. This lake is a picnic destination as well as a wonderful natural place where people find peace and relaxation.

This lake with a filling capacity of 32 feet is spread over an area of ​​​​three and a quarter square kilometers. The length of the lake's embankment is 200 meters, and the width is 18 meters. There are three artistic cenotaphs on the embankment.

There are stairs to descend into the lake from the embankment. There is also a cenotaph near these stairs which submerges in the water when the lake is completely filled.

The world famous Mahseer fish are found in the lake. This lake is the second in the world dedicated to Mahseer and the only protected area in India which has been made a Mahseer Conservation Reserve.

Shooting of many films and pre-wedding shoots keep happening in and around this lake. Local public keeps coming here for picnics.

This lake was built by Maharana Raj Singh (1652–1680) in memory of his mother Janade. The original name of the lake was Janasagar or Jayna Sagar after the name of Maharana Raj Singh's mother, which became Badi Talab or Badi Lake over time due to its location near Badi village.

About 6 lakh rupees were spent in the construction of the lake at that time. The construction of the lake started on 15 November 1664, and it was completed on 31 January 1669.

A special purpose behind building the lake was that during the war, when the people of Udaipur came and lived in this area, then their water supply would be from this lake.


Ramesh Sharma {M Pharm, MSc (Computer Science), PGDCA, MA (History), CHMS}


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