Why is Jagdish Ji Mandir famous?

Why is Jagdish Ji Mandir famous? in is about Jagdish temple that has self-manifested form of Lord Jagdishji in the hills of Jagdish Puri near Ajitgarh.

Why is Jagdish Ji Mandir famous

Jagdish temple is built on the hill of Jagdishpuri village in the Aravalli hills located near Ajitgarh town.

It is said that after visiting Jagdishji there is no need to go to Jagannath Puri. Lord Jagannath himself is seated at this place in the form of Jagdishji. This place is known as Jagdish Dham.

The road from Jagdishpuri to the temple passes through the mountains which is quite deserted. On one side of the road there is a ditch for the rainy river. This road becomes very spectacular during the rainy days.

Stairs have been built to go to the temple situated on the hill. A rocky unpaved road has been built from the side for vehicles. There is not much movement of vehicles on this road.

After climbing the stairs comes the temple of Lord Jagdish. Lord Jagdish is personally seated in the temple. A part of the hill is worshipped as Jagdishji. This is the self-manifested form of Lord Jagdish.

According to a legend, Keshav Das Ji Maharaj of Khori village was a great saint. With his miraculous yogic powers, he used to visit Jagannath Puri every day and have darshan of Lord Jagannath.

In his old age, he expressed his inability to come to Jagannath Puri to Lord Jagannath. Then Lord Jagannath assured him that he would appear before him.

Later, Lord Jagannath appeared on this hill in the form of Jagdishji. At the place where he appeared, his hand-like figure is still there from which water always flows.


Ramesh Sharma {M Pharm, MSc (Computer Science), PGDCA, MA (History), CHMS}


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