Why is Bagore Ki Haveli famous?

Why is Bagore Ki Haveli famous? It is about Bagore Ki Haveli which is famous for its cultural and historical heritage with largest turban of world.

Why is Bagore Ki Haveli famous

Bagore Ki Haveli in Udaipur is known for preserving its cultural heritage along with architecture. This Haveli has 138 rooms, windows, decorated arches, corridors, chauks and long and wide verandahs.

At present, this Haveli comes under the Western Region Cultural Center and now it has taken the form of a museum. Along with the museum, many types of cultural programs are also organized in it in the evening.

In the evening, the atmosphere here becomes quite cultural because in the evening, Dharohar Folk Dance Show is organized in Neem Chowk.

There is a museum of puppets in the Haveli which has been named Kathputli Sansar. It has thousands of small and big, colorful puppets. These puppets include the King and Queen as well as members of the royal court, dancers and elephants and horses.

The Haveli still has chess, chaupar, snake ladder and ganjife from the royal era, which were used by the royal women for sports, exercise and entertainment.

Various types of small and big turbans are kept in a room on the ground floor. One of these turbans is said to be the biggest turban in the world. The weight of this turban is said to be 30 kg.

This Haveli was built by the then Prime Minister of Mewar, Amar Chand Badwa, during 1751 to 1778. Prime Minister Amar Chand Badwa was not a Rajput but a high-class Sanadhya Brahmin.

The Haveli of Bagor can be called a shining example of reconstruction and preservation of a historical and ancient building.


Ramesh Sharma {M Pharm, MSc (Computer Science), PGDCA, MA (History), CHMS}


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