Why is Bahubali Hills Udaipur famous?

Why is Bahubali Hills Udaipur famous? In this information is given about a tourist place named Bahubali Hill located near the Badi lake of Udaipur.

Why is Bahubali Hills Udaipur famous

Bahubali Hills are present a little ahead of the big lake in Udaipur. These hills have now become quite famous and tourists from all over the country keep coming here for photography and pre-wedding shoots.

A different beauty of the big lake is seen from the top of Bahubali Hills. From here, the hill in the middle of the big lake looks very beautiful.

Bahubali Hill has become quite famous as a sunset point. Watching the setting sun from this hill in the evening is a unique experience in itself.

Sajjangarh Sanctuary in front of the hill and the high mountains on both sides create a different kind of thrill.

To go to Bahubali Hills, you have to go on foot, meaning you have to do a little trekking. This track is not very difficult, any healthy person can easily go to the top of Bahubali Hill.

To go to Bahubali Hills, you have to park your vehicle at a parking lot about one and a half kilometers away from the lake and then go up on foot.

If you want to go to the top of Bahubali Hill by riding a bike on a slightly rocky road, then you have to go around the hill about 4 kilometers ahead of the lake and reach the other parking.

From here onwards you can go up by bike but keep in mind that there is only a rocky dirt road on the further climb.

If you have gone to visit Udaipur or want to spend quality time with your family or friends on the weekend in Udaipur itself, then this is a great place for you.


Ramesh Sharma {M Pharm, MSc (Computer Science), PGDCA, MA (History), CHMS}


The information given in this article has been taken from various online and offline sources, whose accuracy and reliability is not guaranteed. Readers should take this information for educational purpose only. Apart from this, the responsibility for any use of it will be on the user himself.
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