Why is Ghata Wali Mata famous?

Why is Ghata Wali Mata famous? It gives information about miraculous temple of Ghata Wali Chamunda Mata located on a Ghat in Debari Udaipur.

Why is Ghata Wali Mata famous

Ghata Wali Mataji is seated on a Ghat near the Debari gate of Udaipur. When Maharana Uday Singh settled Udaipur, he also got the temple of Ghata Wali Mataji built along with a gate and a rampart in Debari for its protection.

At that time, most of the Mughal attacks on Udaipur were from Chittor, so the responsibility of protecting this gate was given to the Devda Rajputs.

It is said that once when the Mughals attacked this gate, the Devda chieftains prayed to the mother and asked for help, then a swarm of bees came out of the mother's navel and chased the Mughals away from the gate to Nahra Magra.

This temple is also known as the temple of thirty-three crore deities in which the mother seated in the form of Bhramari is also worshipped in the form of Chamunda.

Once this temple used to be a temple in which the goddess was worshipped under the neem and timru trees. With time, the temple has developed a lot. A 34 feet trident is also installed in the temple premises.

The mother is considered very miraculous and it is said that the childless couples who come here and pray, definitely get a child.

It is said that in 1992, whenever the engineers used to survey the road near the temple for building the highway, they used to see the goddess in the form of a child. At that time, considering it a miracle, the road was built a little away from the temple.

It is said that Goma dacoit of Mewar also had a lot of faith in the mother. He would not go to rob anywhere without worshipping the mother.

Even today, the Goma mentioned in Mewar's famous folk dance Gavari is Goma Daaku and the artists in Gavari also play the role of this character.


Ramesh Sharma {M Pharm, MSc (Computer Science), PGDCA, MA (History), CHMS}


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